
Edge Compute to Increase Revenue​ and Loyalty based on advanced services

Computing Cloud

  • White Label cloud based on Openstack + Ceph, for the Service Provider to securely offer Computing Cloud to its subscribers.
  • Graphical interface with the Provider’s “Look and Feel”.
  • INT6 Level 3 support.
  • Offer hundreds of vCPUs, through the addition of additional Compute Nodes in Parallel.
  • Storage based on SAS, SSD and NVME disks on commodity servers.
  • Live Migration and high level of redundancy.

Certified Network Function Images

Certified Server Images

  • End User has a Project with a Quota.
  • End User manages their VMs, starting, stopping, creating and destroying through an autonomous and secure Web Portal.
  • Periodically, the Operator/ISP receives a report with the amount of computing resources (vCPU, Memory and Disk) used, to send to the Billing.
  • Storage volumes, with high availability, are created and associated with VMs directly by the End User.
  • Automatic Backup Policies can be programmed.

Did you have any doubts?

Contact Int6 Tech and we will clarify!​​